Unveiling the silent killer – Symptoms of hypertension

Unveiling the silent killer – Symptoms of hypertension

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition in which the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats and rests between beats is higher than the normal range (120 over 80). This changes according to the activities one does throughout the day. Hypertension is known as a silent killer because its symptoms usually go unnoticed until it gets to an advanced stage. Here are some signs and symptoms one should watch out for before it gets too late.

  • Headaches
    It is normal to get headaches, but if you have persistent and throbbing pain, it may be a sign of hypertension. This is especially noticed when you wake up in the morning.
  • Dizziness
    One could feel dizzy for several reasons, and hypertension should not be ruled out as the illness causing this symptom. Some people may even experience fainting due to high blood pressure. So be aware of any changes in your body’s normal functions.
  • Blurred vision
    The eyes contain many tiny blood vessels, which, when subjected to high blood pressure, may lead to rupture of these vessels. It could lead to retinopathy or blood vessel damage. This lack of blood flow to the retina can lead to blurred vision or even loss of sight.
  • Chest pain
    When one experiences high blood pressure, it can damage the arteries. The condition makes the arteries less elastic, leading to decreased blood and oxygen flow to the heart. This can increase the risk of developing heart diseases like angina, which causes chest pain.
  • Shortness of breath
    The arteries carry oxygen to the lungs through the heart. When one experiences hypertension, the arteries do not contain enough oxygen to carry to the lungs. This can lead to shortness of breath even in regular everyday tasks.
  • Fatigue and weakness
    Generally, a lack of energy is a warning sign of hypertension. Feeling fatigued and weak throughout the day is a telltale sign that there is something wrong with the blood pressure levels. Therefore, one must monitor sugar levels from time to time.
  • Irregular heartbeat
    Studies suggest that heart arrhythmia or ventricular fibrillation can cause a dramatic change in blood pressure. The same studies suggest that using antihypertensive therapy, which involves treatment to bring down blood pressure, can prevent the occurrence of cardiac arrhythmia in patients. However, the research is not conclusive, but there are substantial studies needed to understand the link between irregular heartbeat and hypertension.
  • Nosebleeds
    Nosebleed is not directly related to hypertension, but it is related to hypertensive crisis. It is a state of illness in which the systolic blood pressure is measured at more than 180 mm Hg, and the diastolic blood pressure is measured at more than 120 mm Hg. This crisis state is extremely dangerous and needs immediate attention from a health professional.
  • Difficulty in sleeping
    According to research, sleep helps the body control the hormones that are needed to regulate stress and metabolism in the body. If anyone does not get enough restful sleep, then they may be at a high risk of getting blood pressure, and also anyone who already has high blood pressure may not be able to get restful sleep due to abnormal blood flow and other mentioned symptoms.

There are some other symptoms like anxiety, confusion, buzzing in the ears, nausea, and vomiting, which can also be because of hypertension. It is important to be aware that the body is responding unusually and take necessary steps and actions to avoid any further health complications.

Hypertension health risks
Hypertension, when not under control, can lead to many health complications that affect organs like the heart, brain, eyes, and kidneys. The condition can lead to angina, heart attack, and even heart failure in some extreme cases. This is because the heart is not able to pump enough blood and hence does not get enough oxygenated blood.

High blood pressure can also lead to stroke because this condition leads to the arteries bursting or blockage in the brain. When the brain does not get the right amount of blood and oxygen on time, the brain cells die, and it can go into a stroke. This stroke can then lead to health issues like speech disability, inability to move properly, and also problems in basic activities like walking or eating, or talking. A stroke can also be fatal. Studies also suggest that having high blood pressure at a young age increases the risk of poor cognitive skills and dementia in older age.

Apart from heart and brain health, kidneys are also susceptible to failure due to high blood pressure. One can develop chronic kidney disease if one is in a state of hypertension for a long period of time.

Managing hypertension
Some changes can be made to one’s lifestyle, which can help manage high blood pressure regularly.

  • Exercising regularly is a big management hack in controlling blood pressure. According to the Centers of Disease Control, getting 150 minutes of exercise every week is absolutely essential. So getting 30 minutes of exercise five days a week should be the goal. One can include physical activities like swimming, yoga, cycling, strength training, and boxing.
  • Eating a balanced meal that focuses on all types of foods, like whole grains, vegetables, protein, and fruits, is ideal. Speak to a nutritionist to understand what foods can be included in the food plan and how to add substitutes to the meals if there are any food allergies.
  • Healthy food and exercise can help one get the ideal waist-to-hip ratio, ensuring a healthy body mass index. This can help prevent the risk of developing chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.
  • Managing stress is also important to keep hypertension in check, so activities like yoga and meditative breathing exercises are essential.

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