10 uncommon signs of dehydration explained

10 uncommon signs of dehydration explained

Over 75% of the human body is made up of water. And every day, the body loses fluids that must be replenished by simply drinking water or fluids. Water is critical for maintaining electrolyte balance, promoting blood circulation, and even helping the body flush out toxins through urination. If the fluids are not replenished as and when required, it increases the risk of dehydration. Here are unusual signs of dehydration one must be aware of.  Dark urine Water helps flush out toxins from the body, where the kidneys purify the blood and evacuate fluids via the bladder. Regular urine is usually pale yellow or a lighter shade in color. But if one notices a darker shade of urine, it is indicative that the body requires more water to enable this process. Similarly, the frequency of urination can also indicate severe dehydration. If the person is not passing urine at all, it is a worrying sign of dehydration that should not be ignored. Dryness of the skin Drinking water helps the skin remain more supple. However, reduced water intake can affect this elasticity causing the skin to become dry and extremely rippled. Doctors advise taking a pinch test to see if the skin bounces back into its original texture after a quick pinch.
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12 Pain Symptoms to Never Ignore

12 Pain Symptoms to Never Ignore

Pain is the brain’s signaling that something is wrong with an organ or function in the body. Everybody experiences some form of pain that can be mild or severe, depending on the underlying cause. No two people experience pain the same way as it develops, varying in intensity and frequency. However, certain types of pain develop as a precursor to known health complications. Here are the ones to never ignore. Intense headache pain Headaches may come and go, but if it persists longer than usual with sharp bouts of pain, check it. Any injury, stroke, or brain aneurysm can trigger intense pain that develops almost immediately and persists without relief. With headaches, one might also experience specific neurological symptoms like confusion, pain on one side, weakness, and even seizures that develop without warning. Chest pain Pain that develops abruptly in the chest without prior progression could indicate a blocked artery or become a precursor to major cardiovascular problems. This pain is accompanied by a pressure or squeezing sensation in the chest that affects breathing. One might also experience dizziness or develop fatigue as the pain worsens. Blood clots in the arteries trigger these symptoms that should not be ignored. Remember, heart attacks do not develop out of the blue.
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8 Types of Aches One Should Not Ignore

8 Types of Aches One Should Not Ignore

Pain can be extremely relative. Even similar diseases or conditions can affect one in different ways in comparison to others. While some aches can be superficial and curable with a little rest or even just water at times, others may require immediate medical attention. Knowing how to distinguish between these different forms of pain is important. Based on causes and symptoms, one should never ignore the following types of pain: Sharp pain that decreases the range of motion or prevents one from moving Pain emanating from an area of a previous injury or surgery Any pain that is associated with a deformity and severe swelling Aches that do not go away despite several days of care Constant aches and pains that intensify in severity Any pain that involves bruising Severe pain that leads to nausea or vomiting Aches and pains that are accompanied by fever and chills Additionally, one should keep an eye out for specific pains that may develop in specific body parts and warrant a visit to the doctor. These include: Sudden chest pain A sudden feeling of pain, discomfort, or pressure in the center of the chest could be a result of a pulmonary embolism (obstruction of a blood vessel due to a clot), pneumothorax (increased gas or air in the chest cavity), angina (pain caused due inadequate blood flow), or even a heart attack.
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Signs and Symptoms of Lesser-known Autoimmune Diseases

Signs and Symptoms of Lesser-known Autoimmune Diseases

The immune system prevents diseases and infections by fighting off germs that enter the body. In some people, however, the immune system attacks healthy cells, tissues, and organs by perceiving them as a threat. This condition is known as an autoimmune disease. Experts have recognized over 80 types of autoimmune diseases that can affect any part of the human body. Generally, autoimmune diseases are incurable, with symptoms showing up in flares and requiring lifelong management. Recognizing some lesser-known autoimmune diseases To begin treatment for an autoimmune disease, it is important to get the right diagnosis. Knowing the common and lesser-known symptoms of some autoimmune diseases can help in the process. Hemolytic anemia Hemolytic anemia is an autoimmune blood condition where the body’s red blood cells are destroyed faster than they can be replaced. It may be inherited from one’s parents or acquired due to an infection, tumor, cancer, or other autoimmune disorders. Symptoms of hemolytic anemia include loss of appetite, irritability, headaches, lack of color in the skin, jaundice, dark-colored urine, fever, weakness, dizziness, confusion, fatigue, enlarged spleen and liver, tachycardia, and heart murmur. Other symptoms may also include brittle nails, pica syndrome, sore or inflamed tongue, mouth ulcers, abnormal menstrual bleeding, loss of sexual desire, and numbness in the hands and feet.
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9 Early Signs of Dementia Explained

9 Early Signs of Dementia Explained

Dementia is a neurological disorder that progressively impairs cognitive functions affecting one’s analytical, reasoning, and memory skills. There is no cure for the condition, and it is only possible to improve the quality of life with suggested treatments, changes in nutrition, and daily lifestyle. For this, one must be able to learn and identify early dementia signs for a thorough diagnosis. Here are 9 noticeable signs and symptoms of the neurological disorder to help promptly diagnose the condition. Trouble with memory Dementia primarily affects the brain’s ability to retain information, impacting short-term and long-term memory. Note that there is no consistent or recognizable pattern here. A person who develops dementia will struggle with memory loss and reduced cognitive, analytical, and reasoning skills, impacting daily routine. Memory lapses can start with isolated events where one struggles to recall important things or remember them later in the day. Confusion Lapses in retaining information will also create a lot of confusion. One might forget how to do a familiar task or swiftly adapt to a familiar situation. A person might even ask queries and repeat the question, forgetting it has already been answered. These are all early signs of cognitive decline, and the severity of these symptoms will vary from person to person.
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7 Early Warning Signs of Ataxia One Should Not Ignore

7 Early Warning Signs of Ataxia One Should Not Ignore

Ataxia is a debilitating disorder associated with the nervous system. The cerebellum, a component of the brain, undergoes damage in this health condition. As this component is needed for movement coordination, individuals with Ataxia show symptoms such as stumbling, falling, speaking in a slurry manner, and not having control over eye movement. Ataxia can be detected and diagnosed at an early stage based on specific early symptoms, which are discussed below. Difficulty with balance and coordination Since Ataxia affects the cerebellum, it causes people with this condition to perpetually experience a feeling of unsteadiness while standing or walking. One may constantly feel that they may fall due to a lack of balance. Apart from that, individuals with this condition may also have difficulty with changing directions or turning, and may frequently stumble or fall while attempting to do so. Moreover, some patients may also face balance-related problems while standing on one leg. Ataxia also adversely affects motor coordination. So, people with this condition lose control of their arms and legs and some other vital muscles. This can cause involuntary movement in a person’s fingers, hands, arms, legs, and other muscles in the body. Slurred speech and swallowing difficulties Among the muscles affected by Ataxia are the ones that aid speaking.
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6 human foods that cats can enjoy

6 human foods that cats can enjoy

Certain foods that are healthy for us may be beneficial for your cat. As a responsible cat parent, it is essential to be aware of the foods and their sources before slipping a morsel from your plate into your pet’s bowl. Ingestion of toxic foods can adversely affect the cat’s digestive system. Hence, it is advised to consult a vet for recommendations. Here is a list of human foods that are perfectly safe for cats: Meat Cats are carnivores by nature. Most of the commercial cat food in the market contains different meats, an excellent protein source. So, feeding them bits of cooked meats like beef, turkey, or chicken from your lunch plate is entirely alright. Make sure you limit the quantity of the meats. Overeating may cause digestive issues in cats. Salmon Cats love fish, and most vets recommend feeding them fish-based foods. They are a good source of omega-3 and other nutrients. Oily fish like tuna, salmon, or mackerel prove beneficial for their eyesight and joints. However, do not feed your feline straight from the can as they might lick it too aggressively, leading to cuts and bruises on their tongues. It’s best to feed them cooked fish without bones.
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Top 9 foods for healthy lungs

Top 9 foods for healthy lungs

Life isn’t fun when one can’t breathe properly. Years of unhealthy lifestyle habits and other factors can seriously affect the functions of the lungs, resulting in asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis, and other respiratory diseases that decrease quality of life. Fortunately, one can manage these diseases and even prevent them altogether by incorporating certain foods into their meal plans. Here are some foods that can boost lung health: Beetroots When it comes to the health of the vital organ, beetroot and even its leaves are among the best foods anyone can have. That’s mainly because both beetroot and beet greens are rich in nitrates, which help relax blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, and optimize oxygen uptake. Beet greens are full of nutrients essential to lung functions, such as vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, and carotenoid antioxidants. To benefit from beets, add them to salads or make beet juice. Turmeric This yellow spice has been used for centuries to treat various ailments. Curcumin, the main component in turmeric, is behind all the health benefits. Its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial characteristics can make turmeric extremely useful for improving lung function and aiding in conditions such as asthma, COPD, and pulmonary fibrosis.
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3 foods to avoid for better lung health

3 foods to avoid for better lung health

Strengthening the lungs can help one avoid respiratory issues and diseases. Even when diagnosed with a lung-related illness, making significant changes to the lifestyle and food regimen can help people manage the symptoms and restore lung function. However, it is equally important to avoid the food items that damage these organs and cause issues like inflammation, sneezing, and wheezing. Here are a few foods to avoid to improve lung health: Salty food Foods with excessive salt should be avoided as their long-term consumption can have severe consequences on the overall health. Excess sodium in such food items can enlarge the muscles of the heart, cause headaches, increase blood pressure, and lead to a wide range of kidney-related issues like stones. Such foods can also have a negative effect on the health of the lungs and have been linked to an increased risk of bronchitis. Additionally, too much salt in meals can also worsen the symptoms of respiratory issues like asthma. This is because sodium can cause fluid retention, leading to shortness of breath in those with lung diseases. To reduce its intake, one should start by limiting salt in their meals and instead add more herbs and spices as seasoning.
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7 popular plants that are dangerous for cats

7 popular plants that are dangerous for cats

Many people decorate their homes with indoor plants. But if you are a cat parent, your plant obsession can inadvertently harm your feline friend. Most plants are safe for cats to play and prod, but a few are dangerous. Eating or coming into contact with them can lead to unexpected consequences, mainly because of their poisonous compounds. Below we have listed seven such toxic plants that you must keep out of your cat’s reach: Azaleas A part of the rhododendron family, Azaleas are one of the most beautiful houseplants that can transform your living space. However, the slightest nibbles out of their leaves can cause serious heart problems in your cat. It can sometimes aggravate into a coma and even be fatal. Milder side effects of rhododendron ingestion include vomiting, weakness, diarrhea, drooling, and a lack of apatite. Hydrangeas Hydrangeas are common in flower arrangements in home gardens. Although the plant is toxic to cats because of its chemical content, it is not as dangerous. Only ingesting a large amount of the plant can cause damage. Nevertheless, they pose a threat, so avoid having them around your pets. If you grow hydrangeas in your garden, ensure your cat never wanders near it and keeps a safe distance.
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