Foods and Beverages to Avoid Before Flying

Foods and Beverages to Avoid Before Flying

Dealing with an upset stomach is one of the common concerns most travelers have while boarding a long-haul flight. Whether a person is traveling domestically or internationally, it is common to have an upset stomach, and sometimes, the symptoms may flare up, making it embarrassing for travelers to explain. To avoid such challenging scenarios and prevent health complications, here are some common foods and beverages to avoid having before boarding flights. Dairy products Long-haul flights, lasting more than 6 hours, can negatively affect one’s digestive system. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are some common issues people experience with an upset stomach. It happens because the stomach contents get churned up with changes in altitude and cabin pressure. Furthermore, people who are lactose intolerant won’t be able to digest the sugars found in dairy entirely. This indigestion will lead to gas and bloating. Therefore, avoiding consuming dairy products on or before boarding a long-haul flight is best. Travelers must avoid fatty milk, cheese, milk curds, baked goods, and processed snacks made with milk or yogurt as the main ingredients before taking a flight. Cruciferous vegetables Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage may be nutrient-dense. However, avoiding these items before boarding a flight is advised, mainly because these vegetables can cause gas.
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Common Foods that Cause Tooth Decay

Common Foods that Cause Tooth Decay

Certain foods have a significant impact on teeth and gums. Some foods promote healthy gums, while others cause plaque buildup. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that can cause tooth decay and enamel erosion and lead to the development of cavities. This causes several complications, such as pain, chewing problems, and tooth abscesses. Here are the top foods that can hamper oral health and must be avoided at all costs. Sour candies It’s no surprise that candies cause tooth damage. However, sour candies contain several different acids that adversely affect your teeth. They are also chewy and sticky, which means they stay around in your mouth for a longer period, causing more damage. If you are keen on having something sweet, opt for a softer piece of chocolate that you can chew and ingest quickly and wash off any remnants from your mouth. Bread Refined carbohydrates such as white bread and white rice can worsen oral health. When we chew on these starches, the saliva converts them into sugar, which can get stuck between the teeth and cause cavities. If you’re looking for carbohydrates, opt for whole wheat bread, as they typically contain fewer added sugars. Carbonated beverages Sugary, carbonated drinks like soda and sports beverages have several negative effects on one’s health, such as cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, and more.
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Achieving Healthy Skin – Top 10 Skincare Myths Debunked

Achieving Healthy Skin – Top 10 Skincare Myths Debunked

Many people wish for healthy and glowing skin. However, achieving this goal is easier said than done. It requires effort, time, and money. Furthermore, today one will find the Internet filled with skincare tips and a few myths that can cause more harm than good. These myths can unnecessarily complicate one’s beauty regimen and, in some cases, even cause harm to one’s health. Keep reading to know more about these skincare myths. Popular skincare myths debunked Here are a few common skincare myths: Tight skin after cleansing equals clean skin Most people believe that the tightness of their skin after cleansing their face means clean skin. However, this skincare myth is far from the truth. This sensation of dryness is a negative sign. It indicates that the skin has been stripped of the necessary moisture and nutrients that are needed to keep it healthy and glowing. Furthermore, using common soaps can disrupt the pH level of the skin, leading to disruption of the skin barrier and skin damage. Hence, as an alternative, experts recommend using oil-based cleansers to keep the skin supple. The order of skincare products does not matter Although most people use several skincare products, such as cleansers, moisturizers, and toners, every day, sometimes they use them in the wrong order.
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Avoid These 10 New-parent Mistakes

Avoid These 10 New-parent Mistakes

Bringing home a newborn baby is a nerve-racking ordeal for first-time parents. They are worried about everything that is necessary to plan and follow. Even with all the help and guidance provided by friends and family members, new parents can forget about a few things that are necessary for taking good care of their child. Here are ten mistakes to avoid while taking care of the toddler at home. Not buying a car seat It is mandatory and required by law in many states to install a baby car seat. So have the seat installed weeks in advance and take the car for a few trial runs to see if everything works for the car seat as advertised. This is a critical piece of upgrade that ensures total safety. Car seats are not only comfortable but specially designed to ensure the baby stays secure and doesn’t sway too much when the car is moving. Panicking unnecessarily Newborns will cry, and they will fuss about every single thing at home. The infant is getting used to everything in and around the new home. So, it’s perfectly okay for the baby to make a fuss. And first-time parents don’t have to be anxious or nervous around their baby all the time.
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10 Surprising Foods for Improved Sleep Quality

10 Surprising Foods for Improved Sleep Quality

Quality sleep is important for maintaining one’s overall health. Good sleep can reduce the risk of developing chronic illnesses and boost immunity. The general recommendation for healthy adults is between 7 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep. However, many people may struggle to achieve this. This can result from several lifestyle factors impacting sleep, and food is one of them. Check out these ten surprising foods that can enhance one’s sleep quality. Almonds Almonds are a healthy source of phosphorus, riboflavin, magnesium, and manganese. Regular consumption of almonds has been associated with reduced risk of chronic diseases such as type-2 diabetes and heart conditions due to their fiber, antioxidant, and monounsaturated (healthy) fat content. Almonds are also a source of melatonin, which helps regulate the internal body clock and signals the body to prepare for sleep. Although there aren’t detailed studies available linking almonds with sleep, their melatonin and magnesium content is generally attributed to improved sleep quality. Turkey Lean white meats such as chicken and turkey contain tryptophan, an amino acid that is found in certain proteins. Tryptophan helps the body produce serotonin, which can help stabilize one’s mood and sleep cycle. Serotonin is also vital for producing melatonin, an important hormone for regulating one’s sleep.
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14 Tips for Naturally Sparkling Eyes

14 Tips for Naturally Sparkling Eyes

No matter your age, your eyes are the most expressive part of your face. They are often perceived as a reflection of your health and mood. The contrast between the color of your iris and its white backdrop grants your eyes a sense of brightness, excitement, and health. Taking good care of your eyes can highlight this contrast and make your eyes sparkle. So, here are ten tips that may help do the same: Avoid prolonged exposure to dry air Air can be arid in high altitudes, in deserted climates, and on airplanes. It is essential to avoid these areas or use a humidifier when possible. You can also be exposed to dry air when riding a motorcycle or using hair dryers or car heaters that blow wind directly into your eyes. Avoiding prolonged exposure to dry air and keeping yourself hydrated can prevent your eyes from getting itchy and red. Use green tea bags Placing cooled green tea bags on your eyelids can help you reduce swelling and discomfort, mainly if you deal with puffy or irritated eyes. This is because of polyphenols like Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects on the cornea. To derive the most benefits out of them, steep the tea bags in warm water.
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6 human foods that cats can enjoy

6 human foods that cats can enjoy

Certain foods that are healthy for us may be beneficial for your cat. As a responsible cat parent, it is essential to be aware of the foods and their sources before slipping a morsel from your plate into your pet’s bowl. Ingestion of toxic foods can adversely affect the cat’s digestive system. Hence, it is advised to consult a vet for recommendations. Here is a list of human foods that are perfectly safe for cats: Meat Cats are carnivores by nature. Most of the commercial cat food in the market contains different meats, an excellent protein source. So, feeding them bits of cooked meats like beef, turkey, or chicken from your lunch plate is entirely alright. Make sure you limit the quantity of the meats. Overeating may cause digestive issues in cats. Salmon Cats love fish, and most vets recommend feeding them fish-based foods. They are a good source of omega-3 and other nutrients. Oily fish like tuna, salmon, or mackerel prove beneficial for their eyesight and joints. However, do not feed your feline straight from the can as they might lick it too aggressively, leading to cuts and bruises on their tongues. It’s best to feed them cooked fish without bones.
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Top 9 foods for healthy lungs

Top 9 foods for healthy lungs

Life isn’t fun when one can’t breathe properly. Years of unhealthy lifestyle habits and other factors can seriously affect the functions of the lungs, resulting in asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis, and other respiratory diseases that decrease quality of life. Fortunately, one can manage these diseases and even prevent them altogether by incorporating certain foods into their meal plans. Here are some foods that can boost lung health: Beetroots When it comes to the health of the vital organ, beetroot and even its leaves are among the best foods anyone can have. That’s mainly because both beetroot and beet greens are rich in nitrates, which help relax blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, and optimize oxygen uptake. Beet greens are full of nutrients essential to lung functions, such as vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, and carotenoid antioxidants. To benefit from beets, add them to salads or make beet juice. Turmeric This yellow spice has been used for centuries to treat various ailments. Curcumin, the main component in turmeric, is behind all the health benefits. Its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial characteristics can make turmeric extremely useful for improving lung function and aiding in conditions such as asthma, COPD, and pulmonary fibrosis.
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3 foods to avoid for better lung health

3 foods to avoid for better lung health

Strengthening the lungs can help one avoid respiratory issues and diseases. Even when diagnosed with a lung-related illness, making significant changes to the lifestyle and food regimen can help people manage the symptoms and restore lung function. However, it is equally important to avoid the food items that damage these organs and cause issues like inflammation, sneezing, and wheezing. Here are a few foods to avoid to improve lung health: Salty food Foods with excessive salt should be avoided as their long-term consumption can have severe consequences on the overall health. Excess sodium in such food items can enlarge the muscles of the heart, cause headaches, increase blood pressure, and lead to a wide range of kidney-related issues like stones. Such foods can also have a negative effect on the health of the lungs and have been linked to an increased risk of bronchitis. Additionally, too much salt in meals can also worsen the symptoms of respiratory issues like asthma. This is because sodium can cause fluid retention, leading to shortness of breath in those with lung diseases. To reduce its intake, one should start by limiting salt in their meals and instead add more herbs and spices as seasoning.
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7 popular plants that are dangerous for cats

7 popular plants that are dangerous for cats

Many people decorate their homes with indoor plants. But if you are a cat parent, your plant obsession can inadvertently harm your feline friend. Most plants are safe for cats to play and prod, but a few are dangerous. Eating or coming into contact with them can lead to unexpected consequences, mainly because of their poisonous compounds. Below we have listed seven such toxic plants that you must keep out of your cat’s reach: Azaleas A part of the rhododendron family, Azaleas are one of the most beautiful houseplants that can transform your living space. However, the slightest nibbles out of their leaves can cause serious heart problems in your cat. It can sometimes aggravate into a coma and even be fatal. Milder side effects of rhododendron ingestion include vomiting, weakness, diarrhea, drooling, and a lack of apatite. Hydrangeas Hydrangeas are common in flower arrangements in home gardens. Although the plant is toxic to cats because of its chemical content, it is not as dangerous. Only ingesting a large amount of the plant can cause damage. Nevertheless, they pose a threat, so avoid having them around your pets. If you grow hydrangeas in your garden, ensure your cat never wanders near it and keeps a safe distance.
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